A lovely catch-up along the port. The apricot, fig, and cream cheese will be on my next get-together since I am doing a French theme. Love your food ideas. Thank you Debora.


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Fab as ever, especially the market haul - the 'boule' of sourdough was confusing and I had to read the list to deduce what is was. Usually I just drool over the pic! You have solved a problem as well - my first workshop for the next season is making the flavours of Summer. I was stuck for an intended use of one of the items as pouring it over yorkshire pudding doesn't press my buttons. Now I have rough oatcakes with homemade cream cheese, topped with fresh raspberries, drizzled with raspberry vinegar ( one of the flavours we will be making ) sprinkled with chopped pistachio and mint. Not too shabby a lunch :) Thank you, inspiring as ever

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Re the figs and cream cheese idea though I have no walnuts I do have some green figs in honey that I am struggling for ideas to use. This may well be this morning’s breakfast so thanks as ever for your beautiful writing and inspiration.

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I love French - comment dirais-je? - civic/community/shared space art. Much more life-enhancing than the UK!

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I had a very similar salad at a restaurant in southwestern Spain, with the additions of cod and a few slices of cold boiled potato - delicious! It was three years ago. Seeing your post made me think - ah, I should make that salad myself! Wonderful as always to read your letters.

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I used to buy a brandied fig cheesecake from a bakery/deli in Sydney that was absolutely divine. So yes please if you end up developing a recipe!

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It is always a pleasure reading your writing ✍️

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